Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Change is good

Corinne started at her new babysitter today and things went really well. She was very happy when I picked her up and seemed to love her new friends. I got to check on her first thing this morning when Linda walked her daughter to school and I got the thumbs up from the her that everything was okay. She feel right into a routine and did very well. It makes me feel a little about working when I see that she is happy and fine! On a side note when we were getting ready this morning Corinne tried to take a couple of steps our master bathroom and unfortunately met the wall. She has a pretty big bruise on her forehead but seemed to be fine. I guess I might as well get use to it, I am sure there are many more to come!

1 comment:

The Armen Family said...

Yeah...you got that right! Bumps and bruises are a constant somewhere! :)

I'm glad to hear that things went well with the new sitter. Hopefully, it stays that way!
