Sunday, September 7, 2008

Two Short

It has been a crazy couple of days. My kids at school finally started on Thursday and it went surprisingly well. Then on Friday it was another busy work day. When I picked Corinne up the babysitter told me that she had not really napped so I knew that it was going to be a short night for her and it was!
On Saturday we spent the morning relaxing and playing and then we were off and running again. We went to our friend Jack's First Birthday party. It is hard to believe that he is one already. We stayed there most of the day because the Armen's were also having a Fisher Price play party later in the day. Of course Corinne did not take a nap so she feel asleep while is was eating dinner because she was so tired.
Today we also had a busy day. Corinne had her nine month pictures taken and they were so cute. I will post some when we get the pictures. Then we came home and played when Corinne yet again would not take a nap. When they say a 20 minute catnap kills a real nap they are right! Right now I am really trying to be positive and enjoy every moment that I have with her and not worry about going back to work.

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