Sunday, August 23, 2009

Can not believe it

It is hard to believe but tonight I sit here with a heavy heart knowing that I have to go back to work tomorrow. It has been a great summer with Corinne and I can not believe how much she has grow over the summer. She is doing all kinds of things now that she could not do at the beginning of the summer. As you would expect she is quite a talker, but I guess she gets that honestly. She is climbing everything and is really quite a little dare devil. Corinne has also become a very good helper and I think that this will really come in handy in a few weeks when Lydia arrives. Corinne is also working on potty training but we are still working daily on that. Corinne is also able to recall details of things she did for several days and loves to tell people what she has been doing. We filled our last few weeks of summer with fun activities as well as trying to make sure that everything is ready for Baby Lydia. We have spent a lot of time of Grandparents this summer and Corinne just loves to go see all of her Grandparents and cousins.

Unfortunately the weekend of August 8th my Mom and Dad were at my sister's helping with Dominic when he tried to run into the road. My Dad went running after him and feel and broke two ribs. He is in a lot of pain but is so stubborn that he has not slowed down a bit. We went down on Sunday to visit them and that was really the first time I have seen my Dad in that much pain. It was hard to see but he seems to be feeling a little better now.

The week of August 10th we spent out last few opportunities to do play dates and enjoy the nice weather. Monday we had a play date with Jack and the kids had a great time in the pool and sprinklers. Corinne also had to have a "popsacol" that she has really come to love this summer. Tuesday we went to Hannah's to enjoy what would prove to probably be our last pool day of the summer. Wednesday we met Karey, Elizabeth and her kids Claire and Adam for some time at Easton. We had a nice lunch and then the kids enjoyed some time playing in the fountains there. Corinne was a little afraid to actually walk through them but I don't blame her because that water was moving pretty fast.

Playing in the fountains at Easton

She thought it was pretty fun!

Then Thursday and Friday I finally went into school to start working on my classroom. I swore I was not going back after Friday but I just did not get everything done that need done so I had to return on more day last week. Saturday we headed to West Virginia to attend a Mass for Jeremy's grandfather who died a year ago Saturday. It is hard to believe that it has been a year and it was hard on both Jeremy and his Dad. Despite the sad undertone we had a great time and got to spent a lot of time with

Last week was a fun one but was bittersweet knowing that is was the last one of the summer. We had plans to have a play date with Jack but we ended up being sick so we just ran errands and tried to get things that we still need for both Corinne and Lydia. Tuesday we made plans to go to the pool with the play date girls but the weather forecast was not great so we decided to head to COSI. It ended up that only Becki and Hannah and Carrie and Dominic we able to join us. The kids had a great time and I think it is a place we might visit more often now that the weather will not be so nice. It was also very cool that when Jeremy got home from work she was able to tell him some of the things that she had done at COSI and was so excited.

Squirting water

Watching a little movie about eyes with Hannah

Sliding down the slide and say "Wee"

On Wednesday we worked on tons of laundry that we had to get done for everyone including Lydia's clothes. We have just a few more things to do and I think we will be completely ready for Lydia. Thursday we went into school for a little while so I could finish hanging up some things and then I vowed to not go in until Monday. Friday, Corinne was a real helper with the cleaning and more cleaning that I seem to need to do at this point. I have not been sleeping that well at night so I am hoping that the long days at work will not make me too tired at night to enjoy my limited time with Corinne. Yesterday, we went to Lancaster to enjoy some time with Grandma and Grandpa as well as Dominic, Carrie and Hallie. We went to see Great Grandma Hunt's new house and got to so to Rising Park with the kids. Jeremy even enjoyed swinging and playing on a dirt bike there.

Jeremy riding a dirt bike at Rising Park
Today we got up and tried to tie up all the loose ends of the summer to make sure that we have a smooth transition back into both of us working. We ran errands in the morning and then had a nice early dinner. Unfortunatley when we were getting ready to sit down for dinner Corinne sat on the back of her chair, like we have told her not to do a million times and this time she feel straight back and scared me to death. Luckily she was okay but has a pretty big knot on the back of her head. I swear she is going to give me a heartache before it is all over. Corinne did not take much of a nap so we made sure that she was ready for bed early and that we were ready to go tomorrow. I have to go to work earlier then normal so Daddy will be in charge of taking her to Linda our babysitter tomorrow. It will be a busy day with an early start and a late finish with a 3:30 doctor's appointment followed by a 6 o'clock preschool picnic. Let's just pray we all make it through the day!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Time is flying by!!!!

It has been a very busy couple of weeks for the Miller Family filled with tons of fun summer activities. Saturday, the 25th Jeremy had an outing that he went to for our friend Natalie's Dad so Corinne and I went to Lancaster to hang with Grandma and Grandpa plus my brother and sister ended up coming over too!

On Sunday, the 26th we went to the Jazz and Rib Fest a Columbus tradition that we have never been to together as a couple and that Jeremy and I have not been to individually in a while. We had a good time showing Corinne around downtown (she has never really been down there) and eating some good ribs and fries. I was surprised when Corinne took a bite of a rib and said "um that's good" because she does not typically eat meat.

Corinne loving the fries at the Jazz and Rib fest

Monday we had our play date with Tiffany and Jack at there house and had a great time playing outside in the pool and sprinkler. Corinne finally rain through the sprinkler and loved it. Tiffany's sister, Tabatha was also there with her two boys, Caiden and Cameron, who Corinne loves. It is so fun now that the kids remember each other and Corinne knows where we are going when I say we are going to Jack's house.

Finally running through the sprinkler

Tuesday we hosted our girl's playgroup at our house and went outside for some time in the sand and water table, plus the pool was out. It was nice because Becki was able to bring Alexandra so her Mommy could get some rest and she could play with her friends. The girls enjoyed homemade orange Popsicles together and had a good time.

Wednesday was the only day we stayed close to come and got some stuff done around the house. I finally got to the basement and got things sorted out so I can start washing some things for baby Lydia who will be here before we know it. I did over do it a little though and have to remember that I am carrying a lot of extra weight in the front right now.

Thursday we went to Lancaster for Rising Park Day with my friend Karey and her niece Lauren who comes in from North Carolina twice a year to spend time with her Aunt Karey. We met my sister at my Mom and Dad's and all went tot the park together. Tiffany and Jack were also there for a little while with Jack's grandpa. There were not as many activities as I had hoped but the kids had lots of fun on the playground, as well as looked at turtles and snakes and even got tattoos.

Corinne loved the frogs and turtles

They also loved the teeter toter

Friday we went to the zoo with Karey, Lauren, Carrie and Dominic and had a really good time even though it was kind of warm by the end of the day. The kids finally got to see the baby elephant and loved it. Corinne also got to pet lots of animals like a snack, legless lizard, alligator and a walabe (sp?) . We got home and everyone was tired but we still went to City BBQ for some yummy dinner.

Corinne and Dominic looking at the baby elephant

She had to pet the turtle again!

Brushing the goat at the petting zoo.

Saturday we spent the morning getting the house straighten up as usually and then headed to Lancaster for some time with Grandma and Grandpa. Jeremy and I enjoyed a rare night out at the Lancaster Festival to see LeeAnn Womack while my parents kept Corinne. It was very nice to spend some time as a couple, especially before baby #2 comes. Corinne as usually had trouble going to sleep at Grandma and Grandpa's so Grandma was still holding her when we got there at 11:45. I am really hoping she gets over this when we have to be gone in the hospital for a couple of days. It was very late when we got home but Corinne never surprises me and she was up for part of the car ride home at 12:30 at night.
Sunday we went to the Ohio State Fair for some very yummy food and to see all the animals. Corinne really liked the animals but I don't think she was that impressed with all the people. She really liked watching the kids on the rides but given that she will not even ride the horse at Meijer's we were not even going to try her on a ride. Corinne has been very clingy to me lately and by the middle of the day when she had had enough with the fair she wanted Mommy and no one else to carry her. So Mommy got to carry her from one end of the fairgrounds to the car. Daddy tried many times to take her but she screamed every time. I think she is becoming more aware everyday that life is about to change for her.

Looking at the baby chicks

Eating some fresh corn from the ag building

Daddy and Corinne talking to Preston the calf

Finally to this week....
Monday Grandma, Carrie, and Dominic came up to help me get some closets straighten out and see want needs to be washed for baby. Mom stayed with the napping duo while Carrie and I ran some errands. There is still a lot to get for the new baby and I am hoping to find some of them at yard sales this weekend.
Tuesday we had a play date at Jerri and Carissa's. It was kind of rainy out so we had to stay inside. The girls played really well together and the Mom's got to have adult conversations which is always nice.
Yesterday we ran errands for a lot of the morning including getting my oil changed in the car. Corinne was very good on the whole trip and gave me very little trouble. She is getting much more portable again and it is very nice!
Today we plan to hit a few yard sales and then spend the afternoon getting caught up around the house. Corinne got up at 5:30 today so it could be interesting. Later this afternoon we are going to meet Daddy for an event that he has to work for the humane society and I thought that Corinne might like to see all the animals too!